Zombie tycoon
Zombie tycoon
5 replies I have been busy creating a map were the NPC team (Zombie's) is kinda like a tycoon were the more zombies you have the more money you gain evry 5 sec's up to now it is working briliantly the lag has been fixed and the building are up-gradable to earn more stock (weapons,grenades,etc.) There is also a zombie fighter were you can earn money for starting off the zombie buisness, but now i want you to decide for me by the poll should I create a server for it or should I not bother at all its up to you
Q-Q User
Yes offcourse you should more new things on cs2d is more fun!
thanks vector but it's my first one and i dunno how to put up links for things... files -> CS2D -> lua scripts -> upload ill do that now ill see if i can do it but if i cant well ill tell u IM HAPPY NOW