Stranded II
Offline version of scripting references?
Offline version of scripting references?
5 replies I've been suffering sporadic internet outages the last few weeks (I thought it was over with but it happened again....) and would find an offline version of the scripting references a useful thing. Is there such a thing?
EDIT: Thought I should mention that although I don't know German, I can still pick up enough words to get the gist of it. Should be easy enough.
@DC Don't hate me for doing this but...
You can specify a root address and it should download everything that it gathers from links and images.
Don't go around doing this often, it's really annoying for bandwidth. DC Admin
sorry, there's no offline version of those documents. also it's all dynamic with php and sql so it's not that easy to save it locally without running your own webserver.
I could export you the SQL database content but that would be pretty ugly to read...
you could try the tool that Textual Context suggested. I have no problem with that as long as you don't do it 1000 times per day. lol. Httrack's real good, but here's a similar program which is newer ;P : ( How i found out about this? Same reason: I was trying to download a whole website ( Check it out, it's nice : ) and was looking for the best offline downloader.)
HTTrack and Offline explorer are basically the same, but offline explorer has many more features and has a nice GUI ( that i like lol... )...
But it's not so free...
30 day trial for the beta pro version would be enough to download the whole website don't you think? ( That's what I'm using, 14 days left...) Well I could save the pages as PDFs although that would be awkward to read. I'll look into things.