dudes my acc is admin pass:admin but
dont work idk why in some forums thay say it haves tricks to go in with your acc idk wtf are they are saying hmm idk what to do
Yeah this is why portforwarding is impossible to teach. Also the router's default usernmae & password is not always the same for all routers. My old router's username was like linksys and password was like password.
lol theres a panic button usually a very small button on the back. its also usually call RESET. yea hold tht button down for 30seconds and you SHOULD have everything back to defualt
First you see on page 23 of the manual (look for the number written on the sheet, so it is NOT the page number your PDF reading software shows!!) the default login:
user: admin
password: admin
(how creative!)
Then, on page 28, it is explained how to change your password.
Well, I suggest you just dig your way through the manual, hopefully you find your answers there. If now, ask again.
PS: Why do you give us the IP address It is rather senseless. Well, one important thing you should know about IP addresses, that every IP address that starts with the number 192 applies only to your local net and NOT to the rest of the internet. So this means I can't access your router if I click this link you provided. And by the way you do of course NOT have to give us access to your router to solve your problem.