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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Assassin moder
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user DC has written
It is impossible to estimate when the game will be released. So please don't ask. Same for the date of the next dev blog entry.

That also include how many % of the game progress is done

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Assassin moder has written
That also include how many % of the game progress is done

In reality I estimated it in that way - cause how much do I know - DC yet is programming the basics... cause no real game mechanics had been touched (how much do I know (understand))...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: how big are maps going to be? (planetary, huge islands, like garry's mod, etc). I expect to see bigger stuff than just a 1km round island someday, though.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Assassin moder
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@user Starkkz: I'd like to see more than just islands like forest, deserts (with some kind of a bounds like rocks? ). Being a Stranded just on an island will become boring I think, but wait.. Stranded? Boring? What I'm talking about..

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

And forests and deserts aren't on islands...?
I can't say anything about the size yet. It'll probably be possible to have bigger islands than in Stranded II but they probably won't be ULTRA large either.

old Oh noes!

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Assasin has written
I'd like to see more than just islands like forest, deserts

while Stranded stay being different in that point of "Minecr*p" i will happy...

> We will see some new stuff like animales, or different islands in different contintents, or something like that?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I actually didn't create those trees myself they are from the asset store or whatever, not sure. Just placeholders actually.
I'm using Blender for the Stranded III models.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: Hey, do you remember that I told you that UniLua supports FFI? It could be probably easier for you to use it with the S3 classes that you want to export, like player, entity, game object, etc. It supports methods and some more stuff. Maybe you have already done so much C# work and it would be pointless to rewrite it in Lua code, but I'm just saying that exporting certain C# functions to UniLua through the FFI module would just need a little of Lua code and less of C#. Just have a look at it.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Starkkz: I don't know anything about FFI. Could you give me an example? Thanks for pointing this out!

@user Pagyra: Huh.. finally a survival game I didn't already know and play before it was mentioned here. I'll take a look at it. Thanks for sharing

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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-ah yes the long dark, this would surely be a good game for you to check out...

the cold system would be a good system in snowy maps
and food decay definitely.
also the bitter hard, and also optional roguelike game play would work great in stranded.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: I found this:
I'll try to find some more samples, or either make one by myself. The wiki doesn't have any documentation.

Edit: It looks like it defines C# classes on the Lua memory, and later you can access it as a variable. You could make a file for each thing; player, entity, etc. I suggest that the player variables should be unprotected, so scripters would be able to make game stuff behave as the Lua script tells, for example, this is a case on which it could be useful.

A player spawns a car, the server just has to send the ID and the type of car designed for that vehicle. So when the player drives his car, the wheels would have to rotate in order to move, the server-side script decides on which direction they are going to rotate and the client-side Lua makes that happen. (Controlling 2 game objects angles would require of a 2byte packet which tells the yaw of the object, instead of the server being sending 2 packets (2 because they're front wheels) that send a pitch, yaw, roll message that has a bigger size)

Basically, if you use FFI:
1.- You'll have to code less C#
2.- We'll have full access to the server's memory (only from the C# classes that you provide compatibility)
3.- We'll also be able to handle game objects with higher optimization on the network usage. (Eventually S3 will become laggy because it's fully scriptable)

In fact, you could even make the UDP layer/file system in just Lua code.
edited 4×, last 10.10.14 05:55:21 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I'm actually not sure if that is what I want. I like to have full influence over what I expose to Lua and how exactly I expose it. On the other hand FFI should be significantly faster if those guys implemented it properly... I'll take a look at it and do some testing. Thanks.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: you don't really have to expose too many things, you can just hide the variables or methods that you don't want the others to see. Just by adding the necessary fields would do a lot (coordinates, angles, player name, etc). Not to mention that these could be used to work with the already existing Unity classes, like the 3D vectors.

@user DC: hey, I haven't managed to compile UniLua on Unity (due to the fact that the code is super strict or because I'm doing it wrong) would it be much to bother if I asked you to make speed tests on UniLua and normal Lua? (I say normal Lua because every computer gives different results) Also, have you been successful at using FFI or did you not like it?

I made this code to use it for testing, if you want it >
edited 3×, last 20.10.14 02:56:28 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I did not have time to try anything with FFI yet. And what do you mean with "normal Lua"? The library version? I won't re-download it for testing. You can simply test yourself it totally doesn't matter if tests are executed on my or your PC.
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