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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Steam's top sellers
Actually, Stranded Deep being on top might not be a problem, or might even help S3 depending on it's release date. Let's assume it'll take you 2 more years for S3 and SD will discontinue development by that time. Being tricky enough and with some luck, current SD players will think that S3 is the new part of SD series, or more realistic, they'll get bored playing SD and eventually look for another game of that type, which Stranded 3 will be.
In short: Try to turn SD into ridicule in S3. Make references to it while telling a newbie "What is the real deal". Achievements are good enough for that purpose. Diary notes: ("Once, I stranded deep in a dream… but this time it's real.")
Btw: the doc on s3sprite.getBrightness is missing the spriteID parameter (void)

UPD: A nice article I just read:
edited 1×, last 03.02.15 04:10:43 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Wow! It's amazing what I see so far! Thx for the update

You have sticks and little sticks? In how many sizes do you plan to divide them? What do you even need little sticks/twigs for? Maybe arrows... okay and for fires, but for both, normal sticks would do as well... is this just a nice extra for more realism?
But I guess you know what you do and I'm so curious about that game! (Y)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I'm even considering to add big sticks. Maybe with another name if I find a better one.

twigs > little items, traps and to wattle stuff like baskets
sticks > mainly tools and weapons
big sticks > early stage buildings (tents / simple shelters)
logs > bigger/advanced buildings

Twigs and sticks may also be used in some parts of buildings but big sticks / logs are required for the frame or as pillars.

Of course all of these items could be used to fuel fire. The bigger they are the loner the fire will burn.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

wow game looks pretty good, thanks for the update!
Quick question tho, you mentioned a string holding together the rock and the stick for the hammer. Does this mean that most items will require something to hold itself together in the crafting recepe, weather that be an adhesive or string?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

Yes, you will probably need rope/cord stuff for the hammer. There might also be different variants including a primitve one with the old simple stick+stone combination. That one would be easy to craft but less effective/durable.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

very nice models you have, now i sort of get the style you are going for, please try to find time to make some of the buildings also, id like to fully understand what you are aiming for, so that i can portray that into my wattle & daub housing.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
Yes, you will probably need rope/cord stuff for the hammer. There might also be different variants including a primitve one with the old simple stick+stone combination. That one would be easy to craft but less effective/durable.

I think the most simple hammer should be just a "Stone"

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

big stick = branch

Things are looking great to me. Nice to keep the stranded look and the models and stuff really look great!

Consider for modding: Possibly make the behaviors of units more elaborate. An example I found to be a problem in S2 is you have to script a units "normal" behavior to "act" like a hostile(raptor), IF you only want the roaming unit to be hostile "sometimes". So a behavior like "normal-raptor" or the ability for a "ai_command" to actually remain in effect until it's wanted to be changed by the developer. Currently, if I tell a units' ai to "_gototheplayer" in script, it only goes for 3 seconds, so it has to be looped every 3 seconds with a timer, or the unit reverts back to being "raptor", "normal" or whatever...after 3 seconds.

Another example workaround I found for this is; for like the WolfDog in TheSurvivalist mod. For the player to make the tamed dog come to him with a whistle, they have to blow it every 3 seconds or he wanders off back into "normal" mode. As the whistle sets him into "gotoplayer" mode, but only for 3 seconds. I did it this way because the timers every 3 seconds seem to cause engine lag.

Something else I can think of that could use attention is the scrolling of menus. S2 has a few menus that is irritating because you have to grab the bar and pull it back up or down because the mouse wheel does not work on it...was missed in the hard code i think.

Lastly, fire should go out in the rain, but not if it is under a cover. I think unity just put out a newer update that has some "particles" that can be manipulated more-so, and has better collision with objects.(like preventing rain from going through rooftops of buildings.)

Anyhoot! Really beautiful work thus far from what I have seen here and the blog. Thanks again for all your hard work.!

edit:Oh, and about unit AI...I'm pretty sure unity can help make units roam more randomly, rather than in a circle of x size, for the most part. Would be spectacular if you could incorporate more diverse unit AI patterns, rather then scripting "pathways"...ability to mix-n-match diverse ai_commands(pathways) would be sweet. Yes S2 has "some" ai_commands(behaviors) , but we need more out of unity

Think of it like PREset pathways, with some very diverse patterns that can be assigned to a unit, "like" behaviors are. So we can make one Native roam differently from another native...or one animal roam differently from another. This helps in making the hunting and shooting more of a challenge, rather then knowing the unit is going to go a certain direction, always.
edited 2×, last 18.02.15 03:15:29 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

Thanks for that long comment
Yes, Stranded II has very limited "AI" (if you can even call it AI). The units in Stranded III will use much more scripting so you can basically script the entire behavior yourself. This way you are not limited to a set of predefined behaviors anymore and have much more freedom.

This in general is one of the biggest changes: Much more stuff will be done in script. This is possible because I'm using Lua which is much much faster than my Stranded II script.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

Sorry, you know I read & follow but I don't post much, figured I'd throw it all in one post. I guess it is a big "comment" lol.

Just can't wait to finally click StrandedIII.exe!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Black Wolf
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Is possible that there will be other survivers or other ships / planes etc. who didnt surive and got some resouces and guns. Id love to play that game if there were any enemys like people who have lived very long in this island(s).
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