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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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You will most likely notice it the very latest when the distance you walk per frame is smaller than the precision. So if you walk at a speed of 5km/h, that is ~1.38m/s and with 60 frames per second that would be ~0.025m/frame, although this applies only to walking along an axis; you will have much smaller values simply walking around any direction).

3.4028235*10^38 is the largest possible number, however the second largest is 3.4028233*10^38, which is quite a significant step.

Calculating you would have 2^exp*(2-eps), where eps is the amount by which the fraction is smaller than two (since it can never actually be 2). now all you need to calculate is how large can you make the exponent, so that subtracting 2^(-22) from the maximum of the fraction makes such an insignificant difference that the physics don't start badly malfunctioning.

Taking 0.001m as a minimum needed distance your float should be somewhere around 2^14*(max_fraction). That is equivalent to 32km, which is not actually very much, correct me if I'm wrong.

Here you can play with floats and their limits:

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Hador has written
That is equivalent to 32km, which is not actually very much, correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm not really sure, but I believe that 32 km seems good enough to be able to make vehicles of almost any type in game without touching the 'corners' of the map (I know that this is not the purpose of the game but someone will eventually end up doing special vehicles).

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Looking at Stranded, It should be possible to simply make a local coordinate system for every island on the map, so allowing for infinitely large maps; this seems to be the method most widely recommended.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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You know DC; SIII doesnt 'need' to take place in the pacific southern hemisphere; the game could easily take place in the Caribbean;

where hemp, hops, wheat, cacao, coffee, bananas, & coconuts can grow fine.

im mean of course there are uncharted/uninhabited carib isles.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

I have just started to realise just how many objects you're going to make. This is bigger than I initially expected.

I have a question though. Are these things going to be static? Meaning that wind won't affect models (like say the leaves or rice plant)?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Rainoth: I really hope they won't be static. I got that stuff when it was on sale!/content/3253 (watch the videos) but I still have some trouble setting my assets up correctly...

@user Jawohl: You're totally right. I wasn't aware that the Caribbean is actually on the northern hemisphere. I have to admit that geography is not exactly one of my strengths.
So that's great news! We will be able to grow the ingredients for beer brewed according to the German purity law on our island! Time to get schwifty!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC:
well to be fair geography is a weakness of mine also; i just like carib islands

so wheat will be a thing after all eh?
i quite liked the wheat in S2; wouldve been sad to see them go.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Assassin moder
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@user DC: Don't worry about your weak geography Here is the power of this community so everybody will help you anyway.

Also i must admit that everything which was in S2 and S1 need to became a part of journey in S3

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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will it there be a way to change ingame your base style, like more kinds from tents or shelters, if yes, than
maybe like this?

Small shelter(1. person) = 4 big branches and maybe 7 big leaves
Big shelter (xx. persons) = ~50* branches/~10* logs, ~100* big leaves and ~100* branches (maybe as walls)

or how big your campfire is? or a round shack like stranded II or square like?

Or what I think is easier to make, is maybe with a building Skill you can Upgrade your building, like adding stuff to it, instead of many types of buildings.

*= only example costs

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

dead soul
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I don't think you should give up on Stranded III. Sure there are a lot of open world survival games out there but honestly,at least to me, Stranded is special. I loved Stranded II and I played it a lot. I tried stranded deep a few months ago and it just wasn't as good as Stranded II for me. Didn't try ark or rust so I can't say (did see a bit of ark online and again, I don't think I'd enjoy it). I am sad that I can't play stranded II on my current PC because it lags like hell but I might try playing it windowed(any other fix?)

As for the dev-blogs, maybe set a goal for every 2 weeks but it has to have some code or every week but every 2-3 weeks it is pure code/a lot of code+some models

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Hey DC,

I just wanted to tell you that you’ve created something amazing with particularly Stranded II, which I would furthermore call unique! Under all survival games out there, to me none of them has that kind of charm that SII has. Might be because it was the first survival I played, but I think there’s more to it.
Yes, there are very, very realistic survival games, getting better and better and aiming for something comparable is simply impossible for one person. But you’re not aiming for something comparable. You’re aiming for something else, for your own thing!
When I look at SII, to me it never claimed to be realistic. You invented that game, where butterflies help you carry your bag, man! It’s amazing! SIII gets more realistic? That’s cool! You want to keep it cartoonish? I love it!
And you know what’s best? Beeing able to edit EVERYTHING
But hold on! May I suggest one thing? Focus on a playable game mode! I’m not saying this out of impatience. It’s for your own motivation. Doesn’t matter how many items you have. Doesn’t matter how much scripting is possible yet. As soon as you have a playable game principle, motivation rises to add all that amazing stuff!

Keep it up!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Wheat is back? And therefore, bread?!
What joyous of days!
Now sure, there will be bigger games out there, and Stranded III may/not compete with them. But I would like to share my personal response this that.

I am a freelance animator on Youtube, with a decent amount of followers. Now, they could have gone to much better animators! A much better sea, so to speak! So why is it that I still want to animate, when I know I can be bested by most folks? Becuase the art is fun! I enjoy myself, and I enjoy what I do! Most animators have teams creating their slick animations, so kudos for them! But I'll stick to what I know best: doing what I want to do, because I enjoy doing it!

Stranded II was fun for a couple of reasons:
- the aesthetic! When that Weed Grandpa showed up with his zany eyes, and the Prof with his salivating teeth, I knew I was gonna enjoy this. It's not trying to PUSH realism in your face, like "Yooo, graphics here!!"
- game mechanics make it easy to pick up! Is it hard to put down? Well, it can depend on the day! But it has a neat factor that seals the deal (for me, anyway...)
- modding! I enjoyed messing with the models, the sounds, the scripts! And when I had a grasp on the language, BOOOY did my game-design dreams become reality!

Sure, Rust and ARK and Stranded Deep are realistic as heck. But sometimes it can kill the game if it's too realistic. Yes, they're meant to be survival games, but... they're too serious with it.
Some SII mods can get realistic as well, but everyone has their own tastes.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: They may be open survival games but only Stranded Deep gets close to the theme that you're doing and it feels a whole lot differently compared to what you're making. Competition would be the least of my problems.

Shame on you for tricking me though. I honestly thought you put at least 2-3 hours 5 days a week like I do to make those models and stuff. Turns out you make them way faster than I thought and just don't work/work on other things the rest of the time. My expectations feel betrayed

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

Can we stop saying ARK is realistic?

It has dinosaurs! The spoilage of food makes no sense! It doesn't matter how much electrical devices you use, the generator still uses the same amount of fuel to keep everything running! You can craft a bloody assault rifle using a table.. You can even build a base on a bird?!

We also use a certain type of dinosaur to stack up on poo!

Please - this game is everything from realistic. Stranded III will have enough chance to be seen as something else and of the same standard as ARK (ARK only has two actual developers working on fixing bugs *cough, cough* (adding new dinosaurs) *cough, cough*

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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As others already said, although there are a few similar projects to Stranded, but they don't have the same theme and feeling to them. I have been following the development of Stranded Deep, which might be the closest to this, but seems like apart from the visuals and some basic in-game stuff, they haven't delivered much and no one knows when the game will leave alpha or what current state it is now. I am still waiting for their Linux version which was promised before and is still non-existent.
Stranded II gave me a lot of fantastic memories with its unique story and modding ability. I haven't encountered anything like that before nor after. So please, take your time in development, but go through with it because the whole survival genre needs your game.
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