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English Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@Desperado keep in mind that Stranded 3 will not be a fighting game, it will be a survival game, so you will need a lot of slots (which is not realistic, but is much funny)

also for those who doesn't know, M&B means Mount and Blade Warband which is a medieval fighting game (the best game from my opinion)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
@user harlekintiger: I have to agree with user Hurri04 and user Angelin01.

The main problem is that the items in Stranded III are very important. You will have many of them and you will have to access them very often. Eating, combining stuff, etc.

The conclusion is: Accessing the items must be very fast otherwise it will get annoying soon. Even a simple quick animation where someone opens a bag would get annoying after a very short while - even if it takes just a second or two.

So in Stranded III the inventory will use the classic approach. You hit a key and you see everything instantly. All bags with all their contents. It's simply the most convenient solution and most people already know this kind of inventories.

Of course this is totally unrealistic but I'm always going for the "fun is more important than realism"-approach. And everyone knows that this is the right approach. Otherwise we wouldn't play any games

you can allways create a toggle switch to decide if you want the animation or not...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user inc0001 has written
you can allways create a toggle switch to decide if you want the animation or not...

i think that there will be timing problems, because the instant inventroy(non animated) will be instant(with no delay), and the animated one will have some delay(1-2 s depending on the length of the animation)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: I just remembered you said you would make inventory and stat windows not cover up the whole screen. I would like to know if that means you will be able to walk around with your inventory open?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Angelin01: Not sure about that but it would be possible theoretically. The only problem with this is that you can't use mouse look properly because the mouse is already used to navigate through the inventory. Mouse look could still be possible with a hotkey though.
I didn't decide that yet.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Deleted User

@user DC:
Then make it like in TES III: Morrowind. While you in the menus mode, you can press the button which can be found in every window, to "lock" it. While it is locked, you will still see the window while you're in game.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Thanks for the answer.
Anyway, aside from that lock thing, you could probably configure a button to actually hide/show the cursor like it's done in planetside 2. Cursor hidden, mouse used for looking around. Cursor being shown, mouse used to click on things and interact with the screen. Although, I do see how that could get in the way.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Look at Grims Fandango inventory... Probadly this was the best inventory selection way :

Maybe like this, or just animation of opening the bag, and if you use something like a bend, to bend your wound, it would be only logic to have animation... Instant inventory is the most popular, cause it the most simple one...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user JustARandomPlayer has written
@Desperado keep in mind that Stranded 3 will not be a fighting game, it will be a survival game, so you will need a lot of slots (which is not realistic, but is much funny)

also for those who doesn't know, M&B means Mount and Blade Warband which is a medieval fighting game (the best game from my opinion)

A fellow Mount & Blade warband fan eh?
Warband is the best Rpg/RTS iv ever played... arguably my favorite rpg... With fire and Sword had awesome weapons and cover shooting avtion but wasnt as good---- oh bugger i forgot this isnt a M&b forum ;p

I still stand by my suggestion though.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I only have one 100% certain hope from this game-
I hope to have my models offically used in Stranded 3 and of course- in the credits. One absulute hope.

One of those said models is my avatar
If needed... il work my ass off trying to improve quality... i guess i could.... i think

EDIT: so ah.... hows SIII doing DC?
and on the side, are my models any better?
edited 1×, last 19.08.13 06:47:45 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Actually I wanted to ask, if Stranded III will be available on Linux also, not only on Win, but after searching on the net, I found something interesting. There is another kind of Stranded project going on but with different goals look here.
Keep up the good work, can't wait for the new Stranded III experience.
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