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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I'm aware of Stranded Deep. It focuses on being stranded on the sea and not on an island so its not a direct competitor in my eyes.

Stranded III should run on Win, Linux and Mac OS. All of these platforms are supported by Unity 3D. My main focus is on a Windows client and a headless Linux server though. Those two things are a "must" in my eyes. All other versions would be a "nice to have" and I will make them unless they require a huge amount of additional work (which shouldn't be the case with Unity).

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Probably a cheat clone game... y'know like people think Stranded is Minecraft, idiots...

Edit: i change my mind... that game looks very interesting... likely stolen name, but the gameplay sounds very interesting and unique, reminds me of "the life of Pi" which was an awesome movie by the way.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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thats not it, they think Stranded is a clone just because its got simular game play, yet stranded was released many years before... idiots never read dates.

no, Minecraft is more likely stealing ideas from stranded.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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stranded is like robinson crusoe - you have to survive
thats easy to manage in minecraft, but here you can build whats in your mind
so.. no ideas stolen?

will there be a "hiding system" like in user Mc Leaf mod?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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that's true, guess that's why i prefer Stranded over minecraft on survival too simple survivability, minecraft hardmode, and hardcore mode are good though.

EDIT: i would like to know if there is a hiding system too, and the higher the players lvl, the better they are at hiding, like oblivion, skyrim, fallout 3, morrowind, fallout new vegas, and many other great RPG's like that

if so, the game should lean towards Line of sight sneaking, rather then having sound involved, because sound usaully doesnt work properly with sound... if the player simply needs to stay behind objects, or behind the enemies LOS (line of sight) whilst the enemy randomly patrols... along with that, AI pathfinding in stranded III DEFINETLY needs improvements... the ability to walk around trees, fences, rocks, buildings ect, and the ability to jump... maybe...

Well something the player needs is a hight limit... i know for a fact that the example FPS script in Unity3D doesnt allow the player to climb higher then 45 degrees, or something along those lines...... also ragdoll dead bodies... mostly cosmetic... UNLESS you kill something on a ledge, cliff, or hill... it may roll down the hill, and your forced to stumble down after it to grab the meats, or whatever... that or, the body could trample you either loosing your footing and rolling down with it, possibly causing damage, or falling into enemy territory... or the trampling animal could simply (but boringly) collide with you and do minimal to high damage (depending on size, and speed)
edited 1×, last 20.08.13 08:15:18 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Stranded 3's focus should definitely be surviving. Dieing should happen somewhat regularly and you should only be able to save by sleeping. I think the overall difficulty of the game could go up as my fondest memories of Stranded 2 was when I first started and was barely surviving.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Corvallis5 has written
Stranded 3's focus should definitely be surviving. Dieing should happen somewhat regularly and you should only be able to save by sleeping. I think the overall difficulty of the game could go up as my fondest memories of Stranded 2 was when I first started and was barely surviving.

>> surviving
You don't say
>> Dieing should happen somewhat regularly
And that's realism? That's a game about surviving and dying should be something painful hence as an idea for multiplayer: 24h "respawn" cooldown... but I think it should something more funny because a potential player who is offline is the worst thing can happen to a small server/admin (everybody want their server full, right?)

More about multiplayer: any server should be capable to run up to 50 players. Obvious reason: if max. players limit on a server is around 4-8 (like in left4dead) then it would be REALLY HARD to get stable online player count. And don't hardcode the max. player limit please. Simply don't do this.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Yeah i agree, hard stranded is fun stranded
I made an SII mod that makes you exaused way faster, take WAY more damage, animals are extremely dangerous the lion only needed like 5 hits to kill the player.... well on topic- i think SIII needs more difficulty options... as in how much damage you take/give

old My oppinion about this

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Lets put this together, shall we?

I don't like that many people on one Island! It's just not good that everytime you come online the whole island was cut down and replanted multiple times... (in Minecraft it was ok, there you could just build your base 1km away from the others! But on a (relatively) smal island?!) For this I recoment my idea of multiple islands and every smal group has it's own!
If you die, you have to play the day again - obvious! But we need a solution for multiplayer! What about (something like) this: If you "die" another player has to get your body and feed you and give you medicine some days long and then you can do stuff and move again! If nobody's helping you, your body will turn into a skeleton and you get a new character who'll strand then - without the skills you had of corse!
Also there is a greate opportunity for diseases!
In straded II plants just grew to fast! Way to fast! It don't has to be super realistic, but I'd like my wheat to grow in one week (or so) instead of two days...!
Trees were also way to unrealistic!
It would be awesome if the animals would live instead of walk! I mean, if the lion makes babys and goes hunting instead of walking in circles... also if you kill all of them there won't ever be new ones, I never liked those spawn stones...
In straded II there was way to less food sources! But the one that existed were way to lucrative! Every day a new kivi spawned fully grown? No, please!
Every day a new egg in the nest to cook? Yes, please!
This is the most important one for me! I'd love to have a better water physic (your lakes are grate, but not that logic) and (even more important) there just has to be a better collision physic!
The map was always to smal in my oppinion... and with multiplayer it'll be awfull! Therefor the multiple big islands could be on another map each or so...

What do you all think about this? I'd say (most of) it is awesome!

Just one last thing to note: I loved Straded II! Maybe all this sounds like the opposite... sorry for that.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I just want to remind people that it's going to be a free title, a game created from a hobby, so maaaybe, just maybe, you guys are expecting a little too much for the game. I'm not saying the game WILL be bad, actually, probably quite the opposite, but you have to remember DC is one guy working on this on his free time so you probably shouldn't expect too much hi-tech stuff, unless you want the game to take 6 years to be finished. (and then probably cost something)

Not trying to disappoint anyone or anything, and I hope I am wrong, but yeah... just stating what's probable to come.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Angelin01: It's more like implement-any-idea-you-want-thread for user DC (IMHO). I think it's far worse to have no ideas but time for coding than a lot of ideas and not-so-much-time. And almost everything I read here is something user DC would implement [he also approved some ideas] anyway but with own ideas.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user VADemon has written
@user Angelin01: It's more like implement-any-idea-you-want-thread for user DC (IMHO). I think it's far worse to have no ideas but time for coding than a lot of ideas and not-so-much-time. And almost everything I read here is something user DC would implement [he also approved some ideas] anyway but with own ideas.

And I sure hope you are right

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Assassin moder has written
@user harlekintiger:

Multiplayer - √
Death - How to feed dead human ? O.o
Life - Maybe yes
Food - You have SII mods
Physics - √
Map - √

Everything has been wrote previously, why you don't read those comments?

I ment they don't actually die! They just are knocked out or something...

My comment was ment to get every important thing that was said in one text and (of corse) mixed with my oppinion.

Something else:
How do you want to make servers? Will it be like CS2D or like Minecraft (so that you have to buy an server from nitrado or something) I think what I'm doing most of the time in S3 will be playing with 1-3 friends online...
edited 1×, last 26.08.13 11:28:45 pm
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