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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user AssassinLV has written
Not from Bear Grylls show... Maybe from Surviorman ... Or from the game called "unreal world"... But not from Bear... He can theach how to die faster...

I think a million people have already sugested Unreal World, me included. If DC really wants to get informed, I think just plain out reading would be best, instead of watching random shows and playing random games.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
You like chickens, I like kiwis. That's the reason. Of course a tiger makes more sense for the setting. I didn't consider that when adding a lion to previous versions of Stranded.

Best answer ever ^^.

Also chicken would be too common. I like the Kiwis. Just the lions are a bit strange. But who cares in the end, they are just meat on the grill.

I like that you didn't used the bricks. There are recently enough "brick-games" and they all kinda look horrible (ok personal favour ^^)

But you plan armour and stuff? I hope this isn't going too deep into.Otherwise its going off the direction of "stranded" and heads more to the direction of "colonisation". Not that this wouldn't be bad at all
edited 2×, last 16.09.13 03:55:13 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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What about the construction? It would be cool if we could make custom buildings by manually placing branches and leaves... sorta like a non scary amnesia

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I'm not 100% sure how construction will work. The thing you described would be very cool and I already considered to do it that way of course but it is very hard to implement and it also leads to many technical and gameplay problems.
I would love to have a system were you construct your own buildings from little parts but it probably won't happen.

So it will probably basically be like in Stranded II but with some more depth: You have a list of buildings to choose from. However you won't need that much materials and the quality of the materials will influence the quality of the building (just like it will be the case for crafting new items).

For some buildings there might be a way to extend/modify/upgrade them in some way.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Very good- so will the weapons craft with a random perk like terraria?
The higher players certain crafting skill will determain weather it'll have a good or bad perk- and how strong perks effects (all randomly generated of course... hate to see EVERY weapon you make have -50 speed...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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No, it's not random. It's much better. It depends on the quality of the items. Items have attributes. There's a dev blog entry about it.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Very good- but how do items get attributes- and what kind of advantages are we looking at- what would be most valuable attribute class (vanilla) and what bonuses will It have.

I did read your posts im just not sure how attributed items work.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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a branch could have the attribute "length" which would then (if you e.g. craft a weapon with it) translate to the range at which you can hit animals with.

a branch could also have an attribute "radius" or something like that so when you build a shelter with it thicker branches are better because they provide more stability.

these values will be set randomly when the items are spawned and it's up to the player to decide which of the branches he has collected so far are best for what he plans to do.

further there could be attributes such as "capacity"/"volume" that is calculated from the above mentioned values.
together with some other values like "dryness" it could then result in a new value that determines how long a fire will burn if you fuel it with this branch. this last value would of course be hidden from the player and only be used internally.

for more information I recommend reading this:

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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S3 is sounding very good and will be the game I am waiting for (now that gta v's out) for a while. As, I've said before I think the game should have a higher difficulty and a more balanced aspect to it. There were too many things in S2 that were useless (the hunting stance to name one, even the tree house) or redundant. Every item/building should have its own unique attributes and stats and the game should feature more units to start with.

Good luck!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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i hope DC add more items in dead animals,and i hope he make the ability to dig and make holes in the islands,just think about making a hole and puting some leaves on it as a trap!u can get anything in it a pitare,a big snake,a tiger,or some kiwis! or you can make a cave for yourself in the island i just always ask myself why doesn't DC try to work with a team for making stranded series cuz this game is so great,the main idea of being shipwrecked is so fine,after i played stranded2 i couldn't stay in minecraft longer than 1hour DC this game can make you much famous and rich!but as DC always have a great idea and he doesn't talk about it to anyone i think he is doing much more important jobs,maybe making a microsoft in germany?!who knows?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I agree with prince persia-
I think stranded is more entertaining then minecraft... although the hardcore mode was great... I just hope S3 will have diggable terrain... I doubt its possible but starforge managed it... and if digging a cool hobbit hole, and extend that into a deep mine.. if that was hpossible id totally get everything I love from minecraft and terraria (mostly minecraft) fantastic were it possible... I also hope for a simple sneak system, like titanium mod.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Desperado has written
digging a cool hobbit hole, and extend that into a deep mine..

I don't think that's possible with Unity3d. The only game, I've seen that made buildable caves, is Minecraft.

One more thing, is the game going to have anything supernatural? Like undead and mythical creatures?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user inc0001 has written
One more thing, is the game going to have anything supernatural? Like undead and mythical creatures?

Now THAT is not something I would like in the game, I think it should be more focused on the survival aspect and with that comes realism. And I mean... even though supernatural is possible with survival games, I don't think it fits in with stranded. But that's just my opinion.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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-thats true, I was thinking about the dinosaurs and such... quite supernatural (the player should NEVER have seen a dino were it realistic) no I think there should one supernatural thing- a creature like Slender man stalking the pc (if you read DC's initial s3 story then it sounds abit like that....

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Jawohl has written
-thats true, I was thinking about the dinosaurs and such... quite supernatural (the player should NEVER have seen a dino were it realistic) no I think there should one supernatural thing- a creature like Slender man stalking the pc (if you read DC's initial s3 story then it sounds abit like that....

That, for me, would ruin the entire game, because, as I said, I think it should be a survival game, not a horror one. And having to run from a stalker constantly... erhm, no thanks.
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