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English Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I'm not sure about everyone else... but I'm having problems understanding this... Could you be kind and rephrase that user DannY-PhantoM?

Just the usual shit, he likes DC's work and can't wait for next release of Stranded (that's why he is sad) and he also wants to be notified with some message after DC finishes SIII.

old Hello!

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Hello i'm the one who suggest to the idea of stranded III.How to submit an idea?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I'll assume you want to sugest something for S3... Well, there's no real "idea" thread as far as I know, but people are posting here so... (this was not supposed to be an idea thread by the way)

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Quote removed /user useigor

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Angelin01: Exactly, user DC doesn't want us to be annoying him with ideas until he releases the first version of Stranded III. After that you will be able to open a idea thread, however you can still use this thread to ask about what's going to be added to the game.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user pirate of island has written
dc, you will change the characters of the stranded 2, for stranded 3? please make that

He most likely will, since the majority of his ideas would be from scratch. Because Unity3d is much more powerful than the engine he crated and used, so it would be just pointless to use low-poly models and characters like SII.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Devil-Thanh: I don't think they will, but anyway the scripting environment will be better in S3 than any of the current games by user DC. I hope that lua5.1 and lua51 libraries will be available by default on S3, or at least to integrate as much modules as possible.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Assassin moder: It makes no sense that you even care about this because it really makes no difference whether this thread is in the projects forum or in a separate Stranded III forum. Making a Stranded III forum would provoke people to create threads with suggestions etc. and I want to avoid this at the moment. I could make that forum locked and forbid creating new threads but what's the point? No real advantage over keeping things as they currently are.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: I have some wonderings. Does UniLua support external libraries like the original lua? Does it use Lua 5.1 or Lua 5.2? Will you add a socket interface between the client and the server (Lua)?
I know it's going to be just an alpha version but I belive that with certain tricks that you add, maybe you won't need to update Stranded III for a long time.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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For information about UniLua read the following page:

I'm not sure if external libraries are supported. I guess not.

Stranded III will use scripts for much more stuff than Stranded II does. However Stranded III uses its own UDP layer for communication and not Lua sockets. However you will probably be able to access the UDP communication layer (or an abstraction layer of this layer) using Lua commands. I don't need external libraries to make things like that possible. I can decide myself if I want to give people access to that stuff by implementing according Lua commands.

You can be sure that most stuff will be scripted and that you can develop a lot of stuff on your own if you want to.
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