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Englisch Question about Source Code

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alt Question about Source Code

User Off Offline

Hey DC!

I have a few questions about the location of values in the CS2D source code. I will ask one, and when you answer, I'll ask the please don't lock this thread right after answering. Thanks!

Question 1:
Where can I edit (not how, where) the amount of CTs and Ts that can come into the round. Example: Like if I wanted it to only allow 1 CT to spawn. Get it? I'm sure you will. Thanks in advance!!

alt Re: Question about Source Code

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skiper hat geschrieben
its personal question ask him by his icq maybe or mail or something but besides good question √

Hehehehe, good one!! owned...

alt Re: Question about Source Code

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Marcio: That post had nothing to do with anything, please don't spam. AND DON'T POST AGAIN SAYING THAT IT ISN'T!!

skiper: He's not on very much, I can wait....

Well DC? Please answer before the spammers get out of control!!

alt Re: Question about Source Code

Admin On Online

you can't change this by changing code. there is no strict limit for the number of ts or cts. there is only the maximum players limit of the server which is not related to the teams. you have to add your own code to do this stuff.

I didn't have a look at the corresponding parts of the source code for more than one year. So I can't help. I don't know where it has to be added. You have to find it out yourself if you want to change it or ask someone else who works with the source of cs2d.

alt Re: Question about Source Code

User Off Offline

Drat, oh well. Thanks anyway....

Next question:

First I open then I click on the rocket (to run it) and it starts compiling...but then it says: "function 'openclipboard' not found" and then it opens

Do you know what this problem is?? Any help??

alt Re: Question about Source Code

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prestosd hat geschrieben
Drat, oh well. Thanks anyway....

Next question:

First I open then I click on the rocket (to run it) and it starts compiling...but then it says: "function 'openclipboard' not found" and then it opens

Do you know what this problem is?? Any help??

Maybe you Blitz3D is demo version...

alt Re: Question about Source Code

User Off Offline

DC becouse there is already a thread for questions for source code i have one good when i downloaded the source code where do i put it in the xs2d folder or in the cs2d only?

alt Re: Question about Source Code

User Off Offline

you have to put the source code into the directory of your mod.

@first question
look into or something like this ;P
There is an entry in the serverhost function

alt Re: Question about Source Code

Admin On Online

the source code comes along with a README.txt which tells you what to do.
a readme-file is called "readme". it looks like one word but in fact there are two words. read and me. If you combine these two words to a sentence - WITHOUT changing their order - you will get read me. You also might add an exclamation mark: read me!
Lets have a look at what we just constructed: It's a simple sentence with an exclamation mark. Hence a command.

Now there are two possibilities if we have problems with the source code:

- clever way: follow the command and read the README.txt which contains the solution.

- stupid way: ignore the command and ask in the forum which is a waste of time for everyone who is involved.

so... thanks for wasting my time by just being stupid
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