Good VPS ?
Good VPS ?
10 replies Hello there.
Im trying to find a good and free VPS hosting.
I want it because i really really really want to host for my clan.
I heard about cs2dusers.com but, my request rejected
Help Me !
Themud. Good stuff rarely is free. if you are good scripter and you can help me with VPS i will think about host free server for you. I am the Clan-Leader Of Themud's clan
And in our clan we get scripters ,
We can rlly help you for scripting @
We will Help = You will Host a server For Us ?
I am the clan-Leader i got all the scripts of my server
I got server but i host it with dedicated and it's laggy
That's why we need a VPS
If you accept we will help you for scripting,
Contact me in skype : Aion.Gamer2611 ...We should rise the age restriction... ead User
Have you tried using this VPS.me however I can not receive SMS from them because maybe it's because my cell phone and old. @
ead: Put the correct number format, It's working perfectly for me. XoOt Super User
You could also try to request a free server from several cs2d communities. Browse the forum and you will find some which host servers for free. @
sheeL: i tried VPS.me its not work.
i mean, i create a free VPS and i want to test it it's not work.
and mim, is it what you said really ?
because we will help you.
Then the request is:-
Help you with Script = Server ok??
Themud. You can try this --->http://freevps.us/index.php
In this website you can get a free vps, but you need to be really active (making posts, involve in discussions etc.), respect their rules, follow the requirements to get a vps.
Also you need to keep the vps by simply make and make posts to keep the vps or they'll suspend your vps for being inactive.
Sorry, but this is the website that you can make a vps request for free.