Please.. Anyone help me to make anti-caps lua
If someone said LOLBA (exemple)
it will be Lolba otherwise lolba
Please ...
addhook("say","_say_") function _say_(id,txt) 	local t={} 	for v in string.gmatch(txt,"%S+") do 		table.insert(t,v:sub(1,1)..v:sub(2):lower()) 	end 	OutputSayFunction(id,table.concat(t," "))	-- Function that shows the message(first argument is the player id, second argument is the message). Replace if necesssary 	return 1 end
addhook("say","_say_") function _say_(id,txt) 	OutputSayFunction(id,txt:lower())	-- Function that shows the message(first argument is the player id, second argument is the message). Replace if necesssary 	return 1 end