i request mod ut4 mod for cs2d '''UT2D, OR UNREAL 2D
Players skins
SPLASHART ' menu start
and Textures ' tilesHD
Liandri textures
like it -> http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=1273
REQUEST UT2D EDITORS PLEASE attend edited 1×, last 21.05.16 07:18:19 am
Admin/mod comment
Wrong section, your description content has too many images (added More tag for them) and the title is mostly written in capital letters. Do not use such letters for thread titles next time! /ZxC I'm sorry if I'm being offensive but you just requested a big mod right there. Small scripts are acceptable, but this is something that most users won't do. Why don't you learn Lua and create yourself this Unreal Tournament 4 mod? You have all the references to create it, now what you need is wit and will. It's not that simple to create a big mod. It is only a request
this is only for the creators of overall
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