If player press buton X: 1, Y:1, they can get random kits. like:
1 - M4a1, Deagle, HE
2 - AK-47, Deagle, HE
3 - AWP , USP , HE
And the player will be teleported to one of the tiles:
X: 10, Y: 10
X: 15, Y: 15
X: 20, Y: 20
addhook("usebutton", "equipButton") equipButtons = { 	{1, 1}	-- add more buttons if you need } equipTeleportLocations = { 	{10, 10}, 	{15, 15}, 	{20, 20} } -- http://www.cs2d.com/img/ref_items.png equipKits = { 	-- The NAME must always be the first item in this table and don't forget to add it! 	{"Rifler Kit", 30, 51, 87, 57}, 	{"Enforcer Kit", 41, 58, 3} } function equipButton(id, tilex, tiley) 	--msg("Tilex/y: ".. tilex .."|".. tiley) 	for k, coords in pairs(equipButtons) do 		--msg("Checking coords: ".. coords[1].."|".. coords[2]) 		if coords[1] == tilex and coords[2] == tiley then 			 			equipKit(id, math.random(1, #equipKits)) 			equipTeleport(id, math.random(1, #equipTeleportLocations)) 			 		end 	end end function equipKit(id, key) 	msg2(id, "You were equipped with the ".. equipKits[ key ][1]) 	for i = 2, #equipKits[ key ] do 		parse("equip ".. id .. " ".. equipKits[ key ][i]) 	end end function equipTeleport(id, key) 	local x, y = equipTeleportLocations[key][1] * 32 + 16, equipTeleportLocations[key][2] * 32 + 16 	 	parse("setpos ".. id .." ".. x .." ".. y) end