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English Gangster City Project [v0.84]

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Poll Poll

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1* - I hate it.
20.00% (3)
2* - I dislike it.
0.00% (0)
3* - It is okay.
26.67% (4)
4* - I like it.
53.33% (8)
5* - I love it.
0.00% (0)
15 votes cast

old Poll Gangster City Project [v0.84]


> Info
Author: user Baloon
Version: Alpha 0.84
Download: N/A

New screenshots [30 December 2016 - Body parts ]
Spoiler >

> Overview
Rufs Gang is dead, you are the only one who can revive it, start from zero, defeat other gang servants or gang bosses, gain experience, be the hero.

> Current Features
• Join song (GTA: SA theme song)
• Client commands.
• USGN save system.
• Wanted system.
• Money, gold, reputation, level system.
• Improved health.
• NPCs.
• Trading (talk to NPCs)
• Discounts for trading.
• Walking civilians.
• Scared civilians (if someone hurt em')
• Strong civilians (attacks someone who attack em')
• Kill other gang servants or other gang bosses.
• Distraction (flying plane, helicopters, etc)
• In- game time.
• Daily and weekly reward.
• Achievements.
• Body parts shows when player is killed by other player.

> Coming Features
• Driving civilians.
• Missions.
• Player attributes.
• A server modification logo.

> Known Glitches
• Misplaced helicopter's rotor.
edited 25×, last 31.12.16 01:03:50 pm

old Re: Gangster City Project [v0.84]

Super User Off Offline

You didn't even report us what the actual mod that is. We need some informations. You always do that, in your files, in your threads, fckng everywhere. Contrariwise, you telling to people what they don't need. Waiting help without yet giving knowledge about core of the mod wouldn't be much good idea. In its current status, I can only get this is a mod like has been added only hp hudtxt, levels, experiences, special money and a map that compressed some shitty big NPC sprites in it.

old Re: Gangster City Project [v0.84]

BANNED Off Offline

× Your fonts is bad tho. i mean, did you already deleting Default CS2D Fonts named "arial" with your Custom Fonts?. also rename it to "arial" too.

old Re: Gangster City Project [v0.84]

Super User Off Offline

Wow, a lot of new ideas. Very nice. Is there any possibility to test it or at least any video? Because you also know, these features actually can't create excitement without any application.

By the way, I agree user -Last-. Really bad font, change it as soon as posibble.

Good luck.

old Re: Gangster City Project [v0.84]


Thanks, my connection is bad therefore I cannot even upload big videos.

About fonts, if you thinks is bad, I'll change it.
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