Author: Baloon
Version: Alpha 0.84
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New screenshots [30 December 2016 - Body parts ]
Rufs Gang is dead, you are the only one who can revive it, start from zero, defeat other gang servants or gang bosses, gain experience, be the hero.
Current Features
Join song (GTA: SA theme song)
Client commands.
USGN save system.
Wanted system.
Money, gold, reputation, level system.
Improved health.
Trading (talk to NPCs)
Discounts for trading.
Walking civilians.
Scared civilians (if someone hurt em')
Strong civilians (attacks someone who attack em')
Kill other gang servants or other gang bosses.
Distraction (flying plane, helicopters, etc)
In- game time.
Daily and weekly reward.
Body parts shows when player is killed by other player.
Coming Features
Driving civilians.
Player attributes.
A server modification logo.
Known Glitches
Misplaced helicopter's rotor.
edited 25×, last 31.12.16 01:03:50 pm