CS2D is being remade, this one solely by myself, working with @
DC himself, he's being providing great information for my use, as well as being a great guy to talk with and he's so friendly.
I only really need to replicate the extensive map system, which should only take a few days, I'm also planning to implement official map loading, so no map has to be remade, the customization of this remake is beyond (custom items/weapons already in as you might've seen). Bare in mind though, since it's Christmas, I might not add these features until new year, we'll see though.
I'm posting this just to let everybody know how it's going, as a few days back I posted in another thread saying I was working with @
DC to produce this.
I created this in just a few days (2 to 3), it took longer than I wanted it to because I had some personal matters I had to resolve.
So far here's what I worked up (as seen in the video),
1. A game created from scratch (utilizing MonoGame/XNA, extending to a custom engine created by myseslf over several years, SharpXNA)
2. Custom items/weapons file, edited by the server and every client is synced with those upon joining
3. Complete custom file downloading (downloading all of the weapon gfx/sfx and anything else), with hashing, to prevent you from having to download files you already have (files you have but aren't the same will still send)
4. Complete item dropping and picking up, there is no delay, it is instant (unlike original CS2D), and this method still prevents cheating, a client picks up/drops something and confirms he is able to through the server, the same process will happen for a lot of features, to keep no delays (no lag), whilst still preventing cheating
5. Back to point 3, some custom gfx are even zipped (with zLib like CS2D), only files that benefit from compression (unlike CS2D), and are all sent to reduce download times as much as possible, all server files are also stored in memory streams (both compressed and not), and are sent through those, no HDD space used edited 1×, last 27.12.16 03:19:35 am
Ok, looks nice, but, how many remakes and overhauls are the people making with differents engines, And how to select correctly the best one because there's other team working also in a "OverHaul" with Unity3D Check
So... my question is, what's the choosen one for replace the actual cs2d? @
boncuk: Well I'm not going to put the other guys down, all I want to say, call it bragging if you want, I mocked this whole thing up solely by myself in just 2/3 days, and am working with @
DC and he approves of my work here, he's talking and sharing constructive information to help me. @
dcrew: XNA ? That means, no to linux ? @
_Yank: MonoGame (XNA extended) and my custom engine being utilized (SharpXNA) - Mac, Linux, and a huge variety of platforms will be supported.
boncuk has written
So... my question is, what's the choosen one for replace the actual cs2d?
Probably, we.
Admin/mod comment
I put a more-tag around the images because they are not showing the project this dev log is about /DC @
StirlizZ-Fapicon: If people think what took 5+ people to make in Unity 8 days~, took me (1 person) 3 days to code in no engine (but my own, pure coding), from scratch, replicate several vital functions of the game, and then some (server custom - weapons/items, custom files) vs your 8 days~ is better worth then that's fine, I'm not here to bring you, your project, or your team down, if you can produce better results than me in quicker time, good luck and I hope it succeeds.
I really hope you can, other wise I believe you have competition, a healthy one too. Again, good luck! edited 1×, last 25.12.16 05:06:58 am
You did a good job and I hope you will complete your project. Make sure to plan everything before start developing things other wise you will many problems and you will have to start from scratch. Good luck.
HumayunJ: Thank you, and you're right! Fortunately I am planning it very carefully
dcrew has written
StirlizZ-Fapicon: If people think what took 5+ people to make in
Unity 8 days~, took me (1 person) 3 days to code in no engine (but my own, pure coding), from scratch, replicate several vital functions of the game, and then some (server custom - weapons/items, custom files) vs your 8 days~ is better worth then that's fine, I'm not here to bring you, your project, or your team down, if you can produce better results than me in quicker time, good luck and I hope it succeeds.
I really hope you can, other wise I believe you have competition, a healthy one too. Again, good luck!
No offensive dude, I tried this project about 5 (!!!) times before reached some results. Thanks a lot to @
HumayunJ: .
Make plan, some kind of roadmap to your target. I warn you, need to understand all difficultness of your project.
Also good luck and if you'll need any graphics I probably can help you. Bad news i time travel to 2017 november and you gave up on this in February 2017
Admin/mod comment
Oh, apparently this is another attempt to make shit-clone сs2d, and considering that
DC was so lazy that he made a lot of mistakes and leaks in code of original game(critical errors are a regular occurrence), then I am inclined to think that also this project will not have a quality code.
No one of you does not want to think about the next steps.
Instead of trying to do something better designed, more cool and improved, you just try to do typical shit clone - and once again because you laziness too then you just try to changing and using other people's code patterns, and engines.
I am more and more disappointed in usde community, instead of trying to cooperate and jointly make a truly worthy replacement, you try to make another shit-clone and then pride obscures your mind.
Surely you are so hard to get into a team to make a plan, write it all the features and functionality that you want to change and to add, and then agree on a common code format and share to all sections of code, make a sketch of a simple text algorithms to further rely on this information, so that if will be some changes in the team, a new member has seen what is required of him, and that ultimately sees a team in the end. DC Admin
Pagyra: Calling people who actually create stuff lazy is simply inappropriate and wrong.
And I hope you also see the irony of what you're saying because it's coming from someone (you) who actually uses CS2D for crazy stuff it was never even remotely intended for (and who's then complaining all the time about its limits and errors instead of writing an own game from scratch).
@all: Please do not use this thread for a general discussion regarding the topic "multiple new CS2D games being developed". This is the thread for one particular project. If you want to discuss the general topic please create a dedicated thread. @
dcrew: Hey this looks very promising, what notable differences are you going to implement so it becomes a better game than CS2D?
Nevermind... things like:"2. Custom items/weapons file, edited by the server and every client is synced with those upon joining"
Well im hyped about this. Please...Consider sharing news at the competitive community's place...:
Some things you will need are: lag compensation... consider the battle agaisnt custom hitsounds (in order to cheat)from the start
PCS Admin.
As soon as you make it playable im willing to make a competitive 1on1 tournament for it as long as it's got some of the maps that should be there.... edited 3×, last 26.12.16 09:37:39 am
Looks like a solid project, hope you're willing to keep it up. Good luck. Thank you @
DC, @
Pagyra: I promise you, CS2D is not lazily made, his project even baffles me in some areas, and considering I've been developing games for a decade, am self-employed, and my specialties are top-down shooters, multiplayer, and speed/performance, CS2D is quite amazing, especially for 1 person (@
DC) who programmed it all by himself! The base game also needs to be done and working in place before expanded upon, I'm sure not trying to make "just a clone", once I get it working and playable, I'm sure I'll add plenty new features, as you can read I already did begin, with the custom items/weapons already entirely in place.
rokeliuxas: This project will/should most definitely be finished way before that date, if it takes me a year to do this then I think I should stop game development, it isn't my thing in the case that you're right.
StirlizZ-Fapicon: Thank you, I only responded with a condescending statement because I wasn't happy how you replied to @
boncuk with images in my thread about my devlog, which I didn't create to bring your project down, nor did I reply to your thread(s) with my video and say "mine's clearly the superior attempt", did I? Again, I want a healthy competition if anything at all, good luck to your project!
Nekomata: Thank you, fortunately, I do specialize in top-down multiplayer games, have done so many in the past!
This currently supports up to 256 players, and already does have some lag compensation (movement is very smooth, even for high ping players, as tested). More will come though, and I am planning carefully and slowly, while it may seem otherwise, that's just because of my experience in top-down shooters, and as I said I am using my own engine too.
Happy Christmas to all, it's the reason I haven't been here, and again, more progress may not come until after the new year begins, as I'm spending a lot of time with family. I would be happy to help you test this out, so you get a much wider feedback where not only you tested it. Just tell me if you want me to test it when you're done or if something needs testing
Btw, message me here on usde, i would like to speak with you
Do you plan on adding some animations that actually make it look like a player is reloading a weapon?
I hope whatever you are working upon offers maximum customization - beyond skins/sounds. The custom weapons system is clearly indicative of that.
For eg. I'd love to change my HUD color to white instead of yellow or I might want to change not just the flamethrower skin but that flame graphic it spews out as well.
Finally, good luck with the project!
ParaBolt: Thanks, and it sure will be customizable beyond the custom weapon system I've already mentioned.
As for the reloading animation, if I can find somebody willing to do that out of their own free will then sure, I know a few artists I've worked with a lot before so when it becomes necessary then sure I will get some. Sounds like an interesting project!
Many times i have heard DC state "If I had the time, I'd rewrite cs2d from scratch in a more modern language", it would be nice to see someone like you help do this.
Would this eventually become the official cs2d version after polishing it up with DC? Since it sounds like DC is helping you with this, it may be a good opportunity to update CS2D for the better.
Maybe you could also work with people such as @
EngiN33R: and others who already help develop the official cs2d.
I am personally excited that you might be able to fix my internet and lag compensation issues (its kinda bad in my opinion), you said the game was smoother, I also hope that means you can make the game take up less resources, especially on linux when running dedicated servers. Maybe even fix up the memory leaks issue with cs2d servers
I'd like to be able to volunteer to help make this project successful, even though your able to finish it really fast, i'd say take your time to perfect it. I can mostly help with bug-testing, graphics, servers and anything web related, just send me a message and i'd be happy to talk.
Keep up the cool work and kudos to you.