so i need script if player killed another player he will get +20 hp
please i need help to do it
thanks for reading
addhook("kill","_kill") function _kill(killer,victim,weapon,x,y) 	if player(victim,"exists") and player(killer,"exists") then 		parse("sethealth " .. killer .. " " .. player(killer,"health")+20) 	end end
addhook("kill", "_kill") function _kill(killer, victim, weapon, x, y) if player(victim, "exists") and player(killer, "exists") then parse("sethealth " .. killer .. " " .. player(killer, "health")+20) end end
addhook("kill","_kill") function _kill(k) 	parse("sethealth "..k.." "..player(k,"health")+20) end