Looking for an old version of ctf_warehouseReaper User Offline 19.11.17 09:47:43 pm Hi, does anyone still have an old version of ctf_warehouse? Something like v4 or v5? Currently I was only able to spot v18 of it at gamebanana. https://gamebanana.com/maps/71237 edited 1×, last 19.11.17 11:16:01 pm
Re: Looking for an old version of ctf_warehouseStirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 19.11.17 11:13:39 pm I suggest you to find older version of CS2d, probably written on Blitz3d.
Re: Looking for an old version of ctf_warehouseReaper User Offline 19.11.17 11:18:56 pm Was it a standard map at some time? I just know, that the map was quite popular at the ctf / con launch. They weren't around in the blitz3d versions. Were this gamemodes already included in the very first version of "cs2d max"
Re: Looking for an old version of ctf_warehouseCure Pikachu User Offline 20.11.17 06:08:19 am @ Reaper: It was. When b0.1.1.9 was released, the version number of warehouse is 17. EDIT: My archive CS2D to all interested edited 2×, last 06.02.18 09:20:09 pm