I need a script that it eventually happens when we Throw a Flare there was made a Turrent with 2 machine guns.
As you know this script is using in Fws.Jail,
Same i need it
Anybody knows about it
Moderators Please make it For me,
Thanks fot attension
throwsNeeded = 3 addhook("projectile","myBad") function myBad(id, wpn, x, y) 	if (wpn == 54) then 		if (throwsNeeded > 2) then 			local team = player(id,"team") 			parse("spawnobject 11 "..(x/32)+16.." "..(y/32)+16.." 0 0 "..team.." "..id) 			throwsNeeded = 0 		else 			throwsNeeded = throwsNeeded+ 1 		end 	end end
addhook("projectile","aaa") function aaa(id, wpn, x, y) if (wpn == 54) then 	local team = player(id,"team") 		parse("spawnobject 11 "..math.floor(x/32).." "..math.floor(y/32).." 0 0 "..team.." "..id) end end
addhook("projectile", "_p") function _p(id, wpn, x, y) if (wpn == 54) then local team = player(id, "team") parse("spawnobject 11 "..((x-16)/32).." "..((y-16)/32).." 0 0 "..team.." "..id) end end
local misc = {} function misc.pixel_to_tile(pixel) 	return misc.round((pixel-16)/32) end function misc.round(num,base) 	if base == nil then 		return math.floor(num+0.5) 	else if base > 0 then base = math.pow(10,base) end 		return math.floor((num*base)+0.5)/base 	end end