I thought about just recording my entire screen using a capture card which is connected to my monitor and to my pc via USB. I guess my pc will recognize the capture card as a virtual webcam and I could add it to a recording software. Would this work?
Off Topic Screen Recording via Capture CardScreen Recording via Capture Card
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I thought about just recording my entire screen using a capture card which is connected to my monitor and to my pc via USB. I guess my pc will recognize the capture card as a virtual webcam and I could add it to a recording software. Would this work?
PC -> HDMI -> Capture Card -> HDMI -> Screen
(HDMI could also be display port, usb-c etc.)
So the signal for the screen is routed directly through the capture card and then to the screen. The card captures the input and either saves it internally or sends it back via USB, PCI(-E) when built into your PC or whatever.
"E:\GAMES\GoG\Dungeon Siege\DungeonSiege.exe" width=1920 height=1080 fullscreen=false vsync=false maxfps=60